Tag: ubs
This new start-up is here to bring Australia’s two million career mums back to...
Start-up FlexCareers, a fast-growing network connecting career mums with progressive employers offering flexible work, has formally launched out of beta
Fintech start-up Stockspot raises an additional $1.25 million to manage more Australians’ money smarter...
Stockspot, Australia’s first ever online, automated investment adviser and fund manager, has raised an additional $1.25 million to help it reach more Australians and enhance its product.
Who should be on your company’s board?
Reforming the board’s composition proved to be essential for the turnarounds at Credit Suisse and UBS. But in both cases it took a severe crisis to provoke the reform. Will other companies learn to reform their boards before they are hit by a crisis? Or will the old maxim continue to apply: no change without a crisis? Paul Strebel proposes five requirements to encourage healthy corporate governance.