Tag: Tony Wilson
Shape up, bosses, or your talent will ship out (and other workplace tips for...
Many Australian companies don’t even provide regular feedback to their staff, let alone have a formal employee development program. This is a costly mistake. As busy managers give less and less time to developing their people, companies are losing the very employees they need to succeed in the long term.
People quit managers, not jobs [It’s not them, it’s you]
A study of hospital workers conducted by Chilterns University College in the UK found that nurses working for hospital supervisors with poor management styles had significantly higher blood pressure than nurses working for bosses judged as understanding and considerate. As a result, the nurses with bad bosses had a roughly 20 percent higher risk of heart disease. Are you giving your employees heart attacks?
Creating big success in small business
Small businesses are big business in Australia, with the vast majority of all companies coming into this category. While they may not have the resources and manpower of larger organisations when optimising efficiency, their small size and all-hands-on-deck ability means that they have the competitive advantage when comes to their most important asset: human capital. Tony Wilson explains.