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Your votes are in. So what was Australia’s dumbest business decision for 2009?

Clearly, iSnack 2.0 and Westpac's banana smoothies left a strange taste in your mouth, while Mars and the Liberal Party delivered a wrong'un with their spin. Readers who don't take the world too seriously agreed with our pre-emptive request (to not take the report too seriously), while Virgin's black email generated enough annoyance to equal the sinking of Storm. Jackson Jive shimmied in to score your number eight vote, while the social media attempts of the big brands to attract your clicks failed to inspire you (once again). The Myer float scored the least votes at number 10 (perhaps due to the number of people who now own their own special parcel of this prestigious accolade).

Your votes are in. So what was Australia's dumbest business decision for 2009?

Clearly, iSnack 2.0 and Westpac's banana smoothies left a strange taste in your mouth, while Mars and the Liberal Party delivered a wrong'un with their spin. Readers who don't take the world too seriously agreed with our pre-emptive request (to not take the report too seriously), while Virgin's black email generated enough annoyance to equal the sinking of Storm. Jackson Jive shimmied in to score your number eight vote, while the social media attempts of the big brands to attract your clicks failed to inspire you (once again). The Myer float scored the least votes at number 10 (perhaps due to the number of people who now own their own special parcel of this prestigious accolade).

The 10 Dumbest Business Moments for 2009. It’s time to vote!

Two weeks ago, we asked our readers to help us assemble our annual Dumb Report, a selection of Australian goofs, gaffs and groaners from...

The 10 Dumbest Business Moments for 2009. It's time to vote!

Two weeks ago, we asked our readers to help us assemble our annual Dumb Report, a selection of Australian goofs, gaffs and groaners from...
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