Tag: south park
Ryan Wardell, 2011 Anthill 30under30 Up-and-Comer
Crowd-funding has been spun as a viable alternative to traditional modes of finance and sponsorship in Australia, particularly for cash-strapped artists and independent filmmakers. But what if the crowd-funding model can be applied to startups as well? It's a question that has been floated recently, and Ryan Wardell thinks he has the answer. He's just launched Project PowerUp, and if it catches on, it will do for small businesses what Kickstarter has done for the arts.
“The American Dream” employs engaging animation to tell a fiscal horror story [VIDEO]
"The American Dream" is a horror story told in "South Park" style. It says the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank has locked the US in a nigh-unbreakable cycle of loans, interest and debt, using an endless flow of currency that's backed by absolutely nothing. Side-splitting yet sobering, there's a lesson in this YouTube 'epic' for everyone.