Tag: school
How to make school kids behave? Give them Wi-Fi!
A recent project in Arizona, USA to install Wifi hotspot on school buses has turn a rowdy bus ride into a "rolling study hall", reports the New York Times. While the Internet is often blamed for causing a whole heap of teenager problems, what's available on the internet seems irrelevant when it comes down to changing their behaviour.
Does education kill creativity?
Did you feel like your creativity was really nurtured at school? Chances are, it wasn't. In this great talk from the 2006 TED conference, British creativity expert Sir Ken Robinson argues that current education systems are geared to producing obedient worker drones rather than creative innovators. In contrast, he believes that educators should consider creativity as important as literacy when preparing young minds for a rapidly evolving future.
Startup School 08
On 19 April, over 650 tech entrepreneurs and students attended the fourth annual free Startup School, held at Stanford University in California. The event,...