Tag: reserve bank
This start-up sees a $240 billion opportunity for investors as banks continue to fail...
Bank aversion to unsecured SME loans has led to a $240 billion yearly opportunity for investors according to online marketplace invoice lender, FundX
The economy is… wait, it’s actually looking good for once!
The prophets of gloom and doom suggest that the economy will struggle without a high-flying mining sector. But the fact is that the economy is constantly evolving and responding to change. One huge change in the operation of the economy is the trend for consumers and businesses to purchase goods online, requiring the goods to be stored and distributed to end purchasers.
“The dog ate the cheque.” How customers give SMEs cash flow heart attacks
According to the recent Bibby Barometer Small Business Survey, every eight in ten SMEs experienced cash flow issues in the past year, most commonly because customers made excuses for slow payments.
“The American Dream” employs engaging animation to tell a fiscal horror story [VIDEO]
"The American Dream" is a horror story told in "South Park" style. It says the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank has locked the US in a nigh-unbreakable cycle of loans, interest and debt, using an endless flow of currency that's backed by absolutely nothing. Side-splitting yet sobering, there's a lesson in this YouTube 'epic' for everyone.