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Tag: QlikView by Inside Info

Anthill’s SMART 100: Winners revealed! (2010)

They represent the spoils of skunkworks and the rigours of R&D laboratories. They embody the passions of earnest inventors and the dreams of budding business builders. They are the products of industries old and new, from organisations both large and small. They're innovative, Australian and they're changing the world, one idea at a time. Yes, it's time to reveal the SMART 100, 2010.

Anthill's SMART 100: Winners revealed! (2010)

They represent the spoils of skunkworks and the rigours of R&D laboratories. They embody the passions of earnest inventors and the dreams of budding business builders. They are the products of industries old and new, from organisations both large and small. They're innovative, Australian and they're changing the world, one idea at a time. Yes, it's time to reveal the SMART 100, 2010.

QlikView by Inside Info (SMART 100)

A bright idea in response to a customer’s need to analyse multi-dimensional data, led to the development of a new type of business intelligence (BI) software by QlikTech in Sweden in 1993. They called this new software QlikView because it provided a point-and-click simple way to view data. QlikView is now a global phenomenon and delivered to Australia by Inside Info since 2003. The founders of Inside Info could see that the time, cost and complexity of traditional BI software was underwhelming. They chose to change this, developing QlikView applications that greatly simplify how businesses measure and analyse business performance.
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Learn how to devise winning business ideas in four steps with...

It’s often said that everyone will have at least one big business idea in his or her lifetime. But how do you know if your next big idea is genuinely great or a genuine waste of time? This cheat sheet will help you formulate ideas, identify opportunities, evaluate their strengths and take your first big step forward. Learn how to get focus and clarity. Plus, score a bonus tip that will help you more than you might think!


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