Tag: publicity stunts
Man invoices consumer brands for wasting his time. So far, four have paid.
Take Paul McCruddon, a London-based blogger and digital strategist at Imagination Digital who grew weary of brands believing that his time was less valuable than their own and decided to take matters into his own hands.
Michael Jackson is NOT dead!
Like many people in Australia, I woke to the news today that music icon Michael Jackson had died of cardiac arrest.
Eminem ‘tea-bagging’ (How a publicity stunt can really ‘hit the spot’)
On Monday night, I watched one of my favourite satirists (and the creator of everyone's favourite fictional Kazakstani character Borat), Sacha Baron Cohen, turn...
Eminem 'tea-bagging' (How a publicity stunt can really 'hit the spot')
On Monday night, I watched one of my favourite satirists (and the creator of everyone's favourite fictional Kazakstani character Borat), Sacha Baron Cohen, turn...