Tag: Karen Dobie
When it comes to Valentine’s Day, Aussie lovers plump for class
If you haven’t made up your mind as yet, here’s a gentle hint from IBISWorld, the business researcher that has already sensed if most Aussies are going to buy a dozen red roses or sexy lingerie this year.
Summer is on the way, and while you huff and puff into shape once...
With summer right around the corner, it does not take a rocket scientist to predict that millions of Aussies will switch to weight-loss mode...
Dads, don’t bother crossing your fingers for anything expensive this Father’s Day
Aussies love their dads. That’s not being questioned. But for some reason, they will spend less than half what they spent on Mother’s Day...
We know the royal baby gets a silver spoon, what about the average baby?
It is no secret that the birth of the royal baby is finally here and in that joyful spirit, the analysts over at IBISWorld...
The new Australian dream: Less work, more pay, and more Facebook
By 2025, we would work a little less and still have more money in our pockets. We would enjoy more leisure, and more time online, as “technological advancements eliminate the need for human involvement.”
All I want for Christmas is… fast delivery and free returns
Business information analysts IBISWorld reveal that overall Christmas spending will rise by 3.9% this year, and that at the height of the silly season, the average Aussie will spend around $1,600. This will bring the total to a whopping $28.5 billion – with IBISWorld General Manager (Australia), Ms Karen Dobie, expecting most of that growth to come from online sales.
How will New Year resolutions affect the Australian market? IBISWorld has the answer
Every New Year, under the spell of the fireworks and with a glass of champagne in hand, millions of Australians express their need to start anew. But what is the real impact of the New Year resolutions? IBISWorld answers this question, one resolution at the time.