Tag: Jon Sparks
The hottest market opportunities in Japan for entrepreneurs located elsewhere (part 2)
In my previous letter I looked at two trends in Japan that may turn into “hot’ opportunities for those outside the country. Here are two more trends that will provide opportunities for an entrepreneurial soul.
The hottest market opportunities in Japan for entrepreneurs located elsewhere (part 1)
Which trends in Japan will turn into hot opportunities for entrepreneurs located outside the country? I gave this some thought while sliding down Japan’s best powder ski slopes as Australia was sweltering over summer. Here are the first two of four “hot” sectors at the top of my list.
Letter from Japan: Why Japan is a paradise for entrepreneurs
Doing business in Japan has often presented cultural difficulties for westerners. However, as our expat entrepreneur living in Tokyo Jon Sparks reveals in this new series, Japan might be in the shadow of the emerging markets of China and India, but is still one of the best places in Asia for entrepreneurs to operate.