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Tag: Jean Luc Picard

Let it snow – the Star Trek version [VIDEO]

If you're a Star Trek fan, then this will be both amusing and enjoyable. If not, watch it anyway. Then, everyone can ponder this: how...

Tea. Earl Grey. Hot. How far away are 3D printers that are really food...

Don't like to cook? Well, soon it may be possible to have your own Star Trek-esque food replicator in your kitchen. NASA has recently funded...

Space, the final frontier. Has the Higgs boson made warp drives a possibility? [VIDEO]

I have to admit, I'm pleased that the Higgs boson is headline news around the world. Who would have thought that everyone would get so excited about science, about physics? So, why is this really so very cool? Not only is this discovery awesome, but it opens up a whole new world of invention.
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Seven steps to crafting the perfect email, with James Tuckerman [FREE...

We are all bombarded by emails every day. We bombard others with emails. It’s a congested superhighway of e-promises, lead magnets and chit chat out there. So how on Earth are your emails going to stand out? James Tuckerman is a man who knows a thing or ten about online marketing. In this cheat sheet, he shares seven steps to achieve two very clear goals: Opens and click throughs.


Learn how to use Instagram as a business tool [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

Is it a play-thing? Or a business tool? Get the FREE INFOGRAPHIC. Learn how to get started, build a following, grow your brand and attract new leads.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...