Tag: iPhone App Reviews
How Eugene became a porn king in Japan
Eugene Lin wanted to be rich. So, he decided to invent an iPhone application. With nothing but an accelerometer, two dozen naked women, and the nation of Japan, Eugene surprisingly found himself with a ripper story to tell (in under five minutes).
Google goggles (so much better than beer goggles)
Ever since Google started spruiking its mobile operating system Android in 2007 (alongside the formation of the Open Handset Alliance), speculation has raged that Google would one-day release its own stand-alone handset to compete directly with the iPhone. So far, that hasn't happened.
iPhone app review: Concert Vault
Concert Vault is a simple, free app that adds another dimension to the humble iPod concept. Lazy Sunday afternoons with the speaker jack plugged into the iPhone, listening to concerts you were too poor or too unborn to attend are a real treat.
iPhone app review: Instapaper
Today we welcome Michelle Matthews, of Deck of Secrets fame, as our new iPhone app reviewer. She is a self-confessed iPhone junkie, with well over 250 apps on her iPhone, so she’s well qualified to give you the inside running.
First up: the productivity app, Instapaper.