Tag: ipad2
Why I’m not getting an iPad (a rant)
Recently a friend on Facebook posted the following unqualified comment: “Why the pc is becoming irrelevant. iPad.” And I pointed out that, according to the dictionary, the iPad is a PC (i.e. personal computer). While the gadgetphile in me says I want an iPad v2, I can honestly say I can see no reason whatsoever why I need one.
Hello, iPad2. As for the original, welcome to the scrap heap? [VIDEO]
How many of you who bought iPads less than a year ago plan to scrap your multitouch pride and joy for the iPad2? We offer a video memorial to the original, which after only 11 months of existence is marching to the graveyard already populated by the original iPod, the music CD, and any Droid phone more than 120 days old.