Tag: Inside
David Bussau: The economics of enough
David Bussau is all too familiar with the concepts of under-privilege, survival and dignity. He spent much of his childhood in a New Zealand boys' home, an experience that taught him the value of lateral thinking and risk-taking as a means of survival. But unlike many people born into a position of disadvantage, Bussau has been able to turn the tables, achieving the lofty status of self-made multi-millionaire by the age of 35 and changing the lives of countless individuals, families and communities in the process.
Feature: Employer exploitation of foreign students in Australia is rife
With visiting foreigners comprising up to one-third of all higher education students in New South Wales and Victoria, it’s clear that educating international students is big business in Australia. However, as Matthew da Silva and Mingming Feng report, Australia’s educational institutions have far more appetite for international student tuition than local employers have for hiring these students as legitimate employees, causing young foreigners to reconsider Australia as their educational destination of choice.
The morning after
Flickr co-founder Stewart Butterfield is a free agent again. After creating the world’s premier online photo-sharing community, selling it to Yahoo and spending three years working inside the walls of that now troubled internet giant, he’s out and ready for something new. Paul Ryan sat down with him in Melbourne at the recent X|Media|Lab conference.
Working the clock
He won a Chinese kickboxing title by pushing opponents out of the ring. He regularly analyses his own blood to identify trends. And he...
24-hour podcast people
It’s tough to change the world from inside a middle-management corporate cubicle. So Cameron Reilly dropped out and tuned in, creating the world’s first podcast network. Having turned down venture funding, the only thing that Reilly wants to lend is your ears.
Man on a mission
Peng Choo has a dream. He dreams that one day soon, almost anyone (even school children) will be able to program microchips. But this...
The big house
A prison sentence early in life can dash the hopes of a would-be entrepreneur. Or it can fuel them. In the youth unit at Port Phillip Prison, rock bottom gives way to the bottom line as teenaged inmates become CEOs. Jodie O'Keeffe clears security to find out what it takes to build a business behind bars.
Inside the asylum
All successful niche-market entrepreneurs have one thing in common: an enthusiasm for their work that extends far beyond mere profit-lust. Tim Anderson and Paul...
Mervyn Jacobson: The alchemist
Mervyn Jacobson is the richest man in Eden. He is the Executive Chairman of Melbourne-based biotech company, Genetic Technologies (GTG), which controls patents on 95 percent of your DNA. Once considered ‘junk’, because it lacks genetic coding, this vast area of the genome is now known to contain markers indicating our susceptibility to some of life’s most devastating diseases. GTG is cashing in on everyone else’s myopia and many in the calculating world of science are fast discovering their moral outrage.
Success to dream about: ResMed’s Peter Farrel:
Peter Farrell’s authoritative baritone is at odds with his mission in life: to put people to sleep. From the embers of an idea, this...
Success to dream about: ResMed's Peter Farrel:
Peter Farrell’s authoritative baritone is at odds with his mission in life: to put people to sleep. From the embers of an idea, this...
Memoirs of a tech wreck insider
It's now four years since the 'tech-wreck' of April 2000. Four years!!! Can you believe it?
Yet, it's so hard to move on. We continue...