Tag: immigration
How migrant salaries should influence Australia’s foreign aid policies
RMIT economist Alberto Posso talks about the latest unemployment data and the issue of remittances from migrants sending money home to their families. Download this podcast to hear his take on how remittances can shape the government’s foreign aid policy.
What does an older society mean for the economy?
RMIT economist Alberto Posso looks at the rapid increase in over-65-year-olds, which is three times more than the increase in younger people. He says this will put pressure on dependency ratios and economic growth. He says cuts to immigration are bad for the economy because they will put further pressure on dependency ratios.
Feature: Employer exploitation of foreign students in Australia is rife
With visiting foreigners comprising up to one-third of all higher education students in New South Wales and Victoria, it’s clear that educating international students is big business in Australia. However, as Matthew da Silva and Mingming Feng report, Australia’s educational institutions have far more appetite for international student tuition than local employers have for hiring these students as legitimate employees, causing young foreigners to reconsider Australia as their educational destination of choice.