Tag: happiness
Why working harder isn’t going to make you more successful [VIDEO]
Shawn Achor has done a lot of research and thinking about work, success and happiness.
And, it probably won't come as a huge surprise that...
Three simple steps to being completely awesome in 2013 [VIDEO]
If you're looking to be more awesome in 2013, then take some well rounded advice from Neil Pasricha, owner of the 1000 Awesome Things blog. There really are three simple steps to living a life that is awesome.
What businesses can learn from Casey Stoner’s retirement
Two-time MotoGP World Champion Casey Stoner recently announced his early retirement. Interestingly, the reason cited was not lost love of riding motorcycles, but his disillusion regarding how the sport is run and managed.
Coke’s sad Happiness Machine campaign rolls on… and blows a tire [VIDEO]
Last year, we shared our distaste for a Coca-Cola wannabe-viral ad that featured a tricked-out soda machine on a university campus. Well, the Happiness Machine campaign rolls on, with commercials showing an overly generous Coke truck turning neighborhoods into giddy mobs. We're even less impressed. Your thoughts?
TED Talk: Happiness is but a memory
As illustrated in this talk from the Ted Conference held in California earlier this year, Nobel Prize-winning behavioural economist Daniel Kahneman has an intimate understanding of the complexity of experience and the tyranny that memory wields over the perpetual present. It's thought-provoking subject matter with profound implications for the way we perceive and pursue happiness, both in ourselves and with those around us.