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Why I’m not getting an iPad (a rant)

Recently a friend on Facebook posted the following unqualified comment: “Why the pc is becoming irrelevant. iPad.” And I pointed out that, according to the dictionary, the iPad is a PC (i.e. personal computer). While the gadgetphile in me says I want an iPad v2, I can honestly say I can see no reason whatsoever why I need one.

Your first look at the Apple iPad

This week, Apple's much anticipated iPad became available for US consumers. In Australia, we can't expect to see them floating around our offices and coffee-shops until late April (at the earliest). But to keep your inner-early-adopter satiated until then, hear are a couple of user reviews from the crew at Mashable keen to share their tech-lust.
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How Master the Art of Sales Even if it Makes You...

The art of selling is a social minefield. Have you ever been on the wrong end of a ham-fisted, awkward or just plain obnoxious sales conversation? Of course you have! Why is it that some sales conversations magically delight, while others make us want to manically bolt for the door? This Phil Anderson FREE CHEAT SHEET will help you to master the art of sales!


Learn how to use Instagram as a business tool [FREE INFOGRAPHIC]

Is it a play-thing? Or a business tool? Get the FREE INFOGRAPHIC. Learn how to get started, build a following, grow your brand and attract new leads.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...