Tag: flickr
Stackla, the Australian social media start up that is taking on Lady Gaga
Stackla is at the forefront of an emerging trend, where brands and organisations are providing curated social media content to their fans, providing a more relevant & tailored social experience.
Australian upstart 99designs raises $35 million from Facebook’s VC outfit [ANTHILL EXCLUSIVE]
Today, 99designs, the world's largest online marketplace for crowdsourced graphic design services, announced a $35 million first-round investment led by Accel Partners. In this exclusive podcast for Anthill, 99designs co-founder Mark Harbottle speaks with James Tuckerman about the deal and what it means for the 26-person company based in Collingwood, Victoria.
Drowning in high-fives, star ratings used online could soon go under
Online star rating systems are a great idea in principle, but unfortunately, they don't work. And no, not because of all the know-nothing trolls out there who saturate these ratings channels with their narcissistic critiques. The problem is that, when it comes to rating products online, the crowd is too nice.
The morning after
Flickr co-founder Stewart Butterfield is a free agent again. After creating the world’s premier online photo-sharing community, selling it to Yahoo and spending three years working inside the walls of that now troubled internet giant, he’s out and ready for something new. Paul Ryan sat down with him in Melbourne at the recent X|Media|Lab conference.