Tag: currency market
Is it time for Iceland to turn over a new [maple] leaf?
Even four years after the collapse of Iceland’s economy, investment in the once much-fancied krona waivers. Now, a seemingly leftfield solution has been thrown into the mix: to reboot Iceland’s circumstances, the Nordic European island should adopt the Canadian loonie as its national currency.
The Great Recovery and soaring dollar create headaches and opportunities for Australian companies
It is generally thought that a soaring Aussie dollar is terrible for exporters. However, as Austrade's Chief Economist Tim Harcourt reveals, there are two sides to every coin.
From Aussie battlers to dollar dazzlers
Do you find the soaring Aussie dollar depressing? Don’t despair. Austrade’s chief economist Tim Harcourt reveals some silver lining for Australian exporters.
The Australian dollar...