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Does your computer make you happy? Does the blue and black dress debate make...

Does your computer bring you joy (other than those cutesy cat pictures and the annoying blue and black dress debate)? There should be more wellness...

Are You Lazy Enough? The Value of the Lazy Employee

Gruen Planet regular Dan Gregory and behavioural researcher Kieran Flanagan have written a book about laziness. Specifically, the value of the lazy employee. If...

More productivity. Less stress. Rework. [VIDEO]

It was with a great Hurrah! that we in the Anthill office greeted the news that Jason Fried and David Heinemeier Hansson had just published a business book. Rework distils 37signals' philosophy and wisdom into 288 pages of advice for the business reader.
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The Alchemy of Negotiation with Matt Lohmeyer [FREE REPORT]

Negotiation is part and parcel of everyday life. Despite this, the idea of honing our negotiating skills doesn’t go down well with most of us. We fear that we’ll end up being manipulative, exploitative, scheming. To help us break the chains of this retrogressive mentality, we have Matt Lohmeyer. He has worked as a professional negotiator in various fields for over eight years and before that, negotiated deals with biotech pharmaceutical and chemical companies. In short, he’s an Alchemist in the Art of Negotiation.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...