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Tag: blockbuster

Business lessons from Hollywood: if your business was a movie, would it be a...

Nothing highlights how dizzying financial success can be in Hollywood like how the high-octane thriller ‘Furious 7’ made the fastest ever initial rise in...

Remember when watching a movie at home required (gasp) going to a video store?

When's the last time you stepped inside a video rental store? When's the last time you saw a video rental store? The Onion presents a lovely tribute to a begone era when we would file into our local video outlet, hoping against hope that not all the copies of "Men in Black" or "Mario Kart" were checked out.
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How to zig when everyone else is zagging, with Julio De...

Why is it that some business owners appear impervious to business obstacles and upsets? In some cases, it seems that it’s the obstacles that drive certain personality types to success. In this CHEAT SHEET, we share five ways of thinking to respond to INDUSTRY, ECONOMIC, BRAND, SOCIETAL and PERSONAL shifts.


How to secure lucrative sponsorships in five steps [CHEAT SHEET]

If you’re running an event or any major initiative, you’ve got overheads, marketing responsibilities and a small army of people counting on you. And, of...


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...