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Tag: beer o’clock

If Sesame Street ran Apple’s marketing, it would look something like this [Introducing the...

After unveiling the iPogo 300, we at Stately Anthill Manor can only hope Sesame Street will attempt a send-up of the "Really?" campaign for the new Windows Phone 7. Or those Droid spots in which humans get all fuzzy inside over turning into machines. Yeah, those campaigns need an unhealthy dose of Elmo.

Welcome home, flyers. Here’s some Iggy Pop, courtesy of T Mobile

OK, when's the last time a mobile-phone carrier made you feel all warm and cuddly inside? Never? Yeah, us, too. With its latest advert, T Mobile UK does its doggonedest to change that.

Australian’s buoyancy bazooka wins international Dyson design contest

Longreach -- a portable water-rescue device that can fire an expandable buoyancy device up to 150 metres -- has won the international 2010 James Dyson Awards, an annual competition aimed at coaxing crazy-like-a-fox ideas from the next generation of design engineers.
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New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...