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Fancy writing the next bestseller? DIY publishing site Tablo needs you (and me)

Where to, for real pages? Talk to ten writers about the future of books in the digital age, and you’re bound to get ten different...

Are you an APE? Guy Kawaski’s advice on self publishing a book [VIDEO]

Do I need to introduce who Guy Kawasaki is? Probably but, if you're not sure - check out just some of his life story...
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How to pitch sales and marketing ideas to your boss with...

If you work in sales and marketing, part of your job is to demonstrate your value. In fact, this is a universal rule in any workplace. So, how do you get the attention of your immediate boss – team leaders, sales managers, marketing direc-tors, the CEO or even the Board – to, ultimately, make your ideas happen? Check out this FREE REPORT



New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...