Tag: austrade
Chicago and the ‘O’ Factor
Chicago used to have a reputation for lawlessness and corruption. But, as Austrade’s chief economist Tim Harcourt reveals, it’s now a top-tier global business town and a place where Australian companies are shining.
Exporters are solid as a rock in the labour market
The latest DHL Export Barometer reveals that, far from dropping like flies in the current environment, Australian companies that export are weathering the storm remarkably well. Why? Because of their commitment to education and human capital.
Are these the first signs of The Great Recovery?
So how did 'The Great Recession' on Monday become "The Great Recovery' by Friday? Well it didn't, but in between the beginning and end of the week, we did have a remarkable run of good data to boost our spirits (such evidence is now better known as 'green shoots' after US Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke used the term to describe a positive run of data showing signs of a possible recovery).
Red hot chile peppers the globe with FTAs
Chile, the “jaguar” economy of South America, holds a newly-minted Free Trade Agreement with Australia. The Airport Economist, Tim Harcourt, explains why this is good news on both sides of the South Pacific Ocean.
‘Chindia’ keeps on keeping on
Australian exports to China and India are booming on the back of insatiable demand for commodities. However, that’s not the full picture. Tim Harcourt...
Australian small business is bullish in the China Shop
For years, Australian entrepreneurs dreamed of riding the Chinese dragon. Now, at last, Aussie SMEs are too busy wheeling and dealing in China to...
Exporting to China is child’s play
China has been the economic panda in the room for over a decade. Now, in the spring preceding the Beijing Olympics, foreign export opportunities...
Small is still beautiful
Small is still beautiful…. when it comes to exporting, that is. That’s the word from the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS), which estimates that...
From Aussie battlers to dollar dazzlers
Do you find the soaring Aussie dollar depressing? Don’t despair. Austrade’s chief economist Tim Harcourt reveals some silver lining for Australian exporters.
The Australian dollar...