Tag: Anthill Guide to Online Marketing for Small Business and Startups
There are smarter ways to beat banner blindness than showing cleavage
This article is the fourth in The Anthill Guide to Online Marketing for Small Business (and Startups) series. Last time, we identified common terminology associated with online marketing and revealed how some websites artificially inflate Page Impressions. Today, we continue this theme and look more deeply into the science of online advertising, so that you may talk like an expert, and get ROI!
How to broadcast your ignorance, then get ripped off
Do you ever feel like online marketing options were deliberately designed to confuse? In this post, we reveal some of the strategies that media organisations don’t want you to know - the tactics they use to inflate their figures (yes, it’s real and happens every day).
How to create compelling offers for the web: Make them retweetable!
For the first article in this series, I asked 'Why are you bothering with online marketing?' My purpose, of course, was to emphasise the importance of creating measurable goals. But, be warned, even the most splashy, expensive, creative, courageous marketing initiative will fail if it is not built on a suitable foundation. To generate any interest in the online space, you must first develop a compelling reason for your target market to actually want to engage with you.
Why are you bothering with online marketing in the first place?
Once upon a time, a week wouldn't pass without at least one phone call or email from an aspiring print magazine publisher. These days, if there is one subject I'm asked my opinion on more than any other it's the strangely daunting topic of online marketing. For that reason, this article aspires to be the first in a series: The Anthill Guide to Online Marketing for Small Business Owners and Startups.