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Tag: andrew collins

Ignore crowds. Focus on tribes.

If you listen to most marketing experts today, you could be easily forgiven for getting lost in the vast number of social media channels and options. The most popular tactic of late has involved harnessing the power of crowds, often called 'crowdsourcing'. But consider the merits, or limits, of a crowd – defined by most dictionaries as “a collection of people.”

How to lead with value and socialise your brand

The markets and audiences of the 21st century are a savvy bunch. No longer gullible and susceptible to the heavy handed and brash branding practices of the past, they're looking for the 'why' and not the 'what' when they buy into a product or service, and this leaves companies and organisations charting new and unfamiliar territory. Andrew Collins explores the changing face of brand promotion.

Does anyone care about the Shanghai World Expo 2010?

The Chinese are buzzing about next year’s World Expo in Shanghai. But Aussie expat Andrew Collins thinks the locals are underwhelmed. Nevertheless, commercial opportunities abound for local and foreign businesses.

Letter from China – Innovate, or else…

The Chinese word for "crisis" is often erroneously thought to be composed of two characters: one representing danger and the other representing opportunity. Etymological nuance aside, how you see the 'glass' will ultimately determine how you perform through a crisis. The Chinese are very good at planning for such an event. After all, it's all in Sun Tzu's 'Art of War'.

Letter from China | Meetings – how many will it take?

The term "losing face" is big in China. Mistakes are a blight on someone's reputation and must be hidden and protected at all times. Truth and foresight can be impaired if "face" is involved. It supersedes all other qualities and motives.

Letter from China | Meetings – how many will it take?

The term "losing face" is big in China. Mistakes are a blight on someone's reputation and must be hidden and protected at all times. Truth and foresight can be impaired if "face" is involved. It supersedes all other qualities and motives.

Letter from China | China, one scoop at a time

Shanghai. You would think that in China - with its growing power base, its population of more than 1.4bn people and its status as a...

Letter from China | China, one scoop at a time

Shanghai. You would think that in China - with its growing power base, its population of more than 1.4bn people and its status as a...
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Ever considered crowdfunding? [FREE REPORT]

Liz Wald is Vice President of International for Indiegogo.com. She has been terrifically successful raising funds through the crowd model.  One of her successes...


How to pitch sales and marketing ideas to your boss with...

If you work in sales and marketing, part of your job is to demonstrate your value. In fact, this is a universal rule in any workplace. So, how do you get the attention of your immediate boss – team leaders, sales managers, marketing direc-tors, the CEO or even the Board – to, ultimately, make your ideas happen? Check out this FREE REPORT


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...