Tag: underbelly
Get your ad banned if you want it to pop (like a polar bear’s...
The 'interwebs' are filled with commercials proudly and boldy described as 'banned'. There is almost no better link bait (he writes shamelessly aware of this very post's title). We all know this intuitively. But now digital technology can not only be used to provide proof. It can be used to create a commercial justification.
Get your ad banned if you want it to pop (like a polar bear's...
The 'interwebs' are filled with commercials proudly and boldy described as 'banned'. There is almost no better link bait (he writes shamelessly aware of this very post's title). We all know this intuitively. But now digital technology can not only be used to provide proof. It can be used to create a commercial justification.
Underbelly “app” for iPhone first shot in new publishing wars?
Australian publisher Allen & Unwin, in partnership with Underbelly authors Andrew Rule and John Silvester, this week launched digital versions of the three bestselling books of the series.
Underbelly "app" for iPhone first shot in new publishing wars?
Australian publisher Allen & Unwin, in partnership with Underbelly authors Andrew Rule and John Silvester, this week launched digital versions of the three bestselling books of the series.