Tag: facebook competition
Why I think our latest online marketing ‘experiment’ is not working
I offered to provide updates on what has ‘worked’ (and what hasn’t) in terms of technology, marketing fundamentals and, most importantly, the campaign's viral effectiveness (i.e. it's ability to self-perpetuate). So, what viral benefits has this item of social media marketing achieved so far? Hmmm... well... without beating around the bush... the simple answer is... Almost none.
Why I think our latest online marketing 'experiment' is not working
I offered to provide updates on what has ‘worked’ (and what hasn’t) in terms of technology, marketing fundamentals and, most importantly, the campaign's viral effectiveness (i.e. it's ability to self-perpetuate). So, what viral benefits has this item of social media marketing achieved so far? Hmmm... well... without beating around the bush... the simple answer is... Almost none.
Our first social media ‘experiment’ for online marketing month. Do you want to be...
The 'zing' factor that social media brings to any marketing campaign is the potential it provides for exponential growth. If one person likes the offer and is compelled to invite their friends to also register for the offer, and if their friends, in turn, feel compelled to register and invite their friends to register for the offer, then you suddenly have on your hands a campaign with significant reach, far beyond anything that traditional media can provide.
Our first social media 'experiment' for online marketing month. Do you want to be...
The 'zing' factor that social media brings to any marketing campaign is the potential it provides for exponential growth. If one person likes the offer and is compelled to invite their friends to also register for the offer, and if their friends, in turn, feel compelled to register and invite their friends to register for the offer, then you suddenly have on your hands a campaign with significant reach, far beyond anything that traditional media can provide.