Tag: Eugene Lin
Apple blocks Japanese porn king Eugene’s road to riches
Eugene Lin's ambition of becoming a millionaire 70 cents at a time has been thwarted by Apple's removal of 5,000 apps deemed to contain overtly sexual content -- apparently in response to user complaints -- thus removing the entire Peekaboo suite.
Apple blocks Japanese porn king Eugene's road to riches
Eugene Lin's ambition of becoming a millionaire 70 cents at a time has been thwarted by Apple's removal of 5,000 apps deemed to contain overtly sexual content -- apparently in response to user complaints -- thus removing the entire Peekaboo suite.
How Eugene became a porn king in Japan
Eugene Lin wanted to be rich. So, he decided to invent an iPhone application. With nothing but an accelerometer, two dozen naked women, and the nation of Japan, Eugene surprisingly found himself with a ripper story to tell (in under five minutes).