Tag: Cursions – the online resource database for Australian teachers
Anthill’s SMART 100: Winners revealed! (2010)
They represent the spoils of skunkworks and the rigours of R&D laboratories. They embody the passions of earnest inventors and the dreams of budding business builders. They are the products of industries old and new, from organisations both large and small. They're innovative, Australian and they're changing the world, one idea at a time. Yes, it's time to reveal the SMART 100, 2010.
Anthill's SMART 100: Winners revealed! (2010)
They represent the spoils of skunkworks and the rigours of R&D laboratories. They embody the passions of earnest inventors and the dreams of budding business builders. They are the products of industries old and new, from organisations both large and small. They're innovative, Australian and they're changing the world, one idea at a time. Yes, it's time to reveal the SMART 100, 2010.
Cursions – the online resource database for Australian teachers (SMART 100)
We have spent almost fifteen years working in the Victorian education sector, teaching everything from Outdoor Education to Science to History to Geography. After seeing firsthand the increasing frustration felt by many teachers trying to find the best educational opportunities for their students, and how this was matched by an inability by many providers to successfully advertise their products to schools. Having identified a big gap in the market, we looked around at the technology available, decided upon ones and zeros as our medium, and after many sleepless nights and cups of coffee -- Cursions was born!