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Tag: courier services

This new tech start-up has got taxi drivers switching lanes into parcel delivery

New service recently launched in Sydney, allows taxi drivers to deliver parcels 24/7. After two months of operations, the Sydney-based company expands its activities to more cities across the country.

The ‘Uber of couriers’ has raised $1.25 million to keep traditional couriers looking over...

• Disrupter delivery business rushed by investors • People Post says fragmented courier industry ripe for the picking • Greenwich Capital Partners secures $1.25 million for the parcel distribution of the future
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Learn how to devise winning business ideas in four steps with...

It’s often said that everyone will have at least one big business idea in his or her lifetime. But how do you know if your next big idea is genuinely great or a genuine waste of time? This cheat sheet will help you formulate ideas, identify opportunities, evaluate their strengths and take your first big step forward. Learn how to get focus and clarity. Plus, score a bonus tip that will help you more than you might think!


How To Grow Your Business and Profits with Jason Cunningham [CHEAT...

Recorded guerrilla-style in the basement of York Butter Factory, the linked video course is a rollicking, authoritative lesson (with some colourful language, mind you) from someone who has been through it all. In this Cheat Sheet, we cover three hot tips from the lesson, with a focus on helping business owners grow and increase profitability: Why entrepreneurs need to think about “the end," why cash flow is king – no matter what you’ve heard, and why you need to have a vision for success.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...