Tag: Sydney’s University of Technology
Atlassian Starter Licenses (SMART 100)
Causium...The new freemium Australian software maker, Atlassian, has pioneered a new customer acquisition strategy called Causium that merges cause marketing with the popular freemium business model. Instead of giving away a teaser product, Atlassian charges a nominal fee of $10 for its starter 10 user licenses and then donates all the proceeds to charity. The results have been an astounding win-win-win for all parties. Over 14,000 customers now have software that they couldn't previously afford, Atlassian has earned over $2M in upsell revenue and Atlassian's selected charity, Room to Read has received over $500,000 for literacy programs in developing nations.
"Does your website make you money or cost you money?"
There is a purpose to design that many developers (and even some marketers) simply don't want to know about. Online marketing means creating a sales process that builds credibility, attracts new customers and becomes an extension of your business.
From little things, big things grow
Like every great technological epoch, the nanotech revolution appears unstoppable.
The companies and societies that adapt best will thrive. Those that don’t will perish. Fortunately,...