Management Matters

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News, opinions and advice on managing business systems and people.

How do managers MOTIVATE and ENERGISE their people? [FREE DOWNLOAD]

How to keep your people motivated and energetic. "Short, simple... powerful!"

What to do when business success hijacks the original vision

RICHARD Chattaway and Michael Cusack are serious businessmen who spend their days playing with plasticine in South Australia.

Cashflow dramas? How to get paid first and foremost

If you sell goods you have a supply chain in one form or another, it’s likely that you’re acquiring goods on credit and paying...


In 90 minutes, learn systems and acquire processes for raising capital in Australia, from valuation to finding the right investor. Get investor ready. Be prepared to embrace 2013. The Master Business Bake Up series is a cooking class... for business builders. We teach you a recipe that you can 'cook' on the day, in under 90 minutes, or take back to your business and implement later. [LIVE EVENT]

Here we are, all together on this pale blue dot of dust, floating in...

"The galaxy is composed of gas and dust and stars — billions upon billions of stars." -- Carl Sagan, astronomer, astrophysicist, cosmologist and author. At this...

Three simple steps to being completely awesome in 2013 [VIDEO]

If you're looking to be more awesome in 2013, then take some well rounded advice from Neil Pasricha, owner of the 1000 Awesome Things blog. There really are three simple steps to living a life that is awesome.

Playing ping pong with nunchucks. Now that takes focus! [VIDEO]

Did you fail to focus on what you needed to do today? Well, here's a video that will make you feel even worse about your ability to focus. Yes, that's right. At Anthill, we're here to help.

Imagine there’s no internet. It’s easy if you try [VIDEO]

I moved house two weeks ago. I'm still waiting for my internet connection. First world problem, I hear you say. Here's the same problem, on a grander scale.

Why doesn’t MTV play music videos anymore? [VIDEO]

This parody video has a 20-something asked the Head of MTV why this television channel no longer plays music videos, like it did in the 1990s. If your start up is aimed is about music, or if it's targeting anyone older than, say, 20, there might be something in this for you too.

What can training do for business? Surveys says: a whole lot!

Technical skills are essential to a job, be it IT-related or elsewhere. But, simply knowing how to perform a techie function is no longer the endgame for personal development in the modern world of business. The most effective people are the ones practicing sound management and excellent communication bolstered not only by experience, but by training as well.

The best three minute video about managing employees and customers that you will ever...

Social media has heralded several changes. But one of the biggest ones is how we can broadcast our discontent (or otherwise) with our treatment...

Why stand-up meetings suck [VIDEO]

While I am all for short, sharp meetings that actually achieve something, stand-up meetings tend to suck. Mainly because they tend not to be a comedic performance by all who attend. So, what can you do if your stand-up meetings suck? Here are a few helpful suggestions.

What every entrepreneur can learn from a cat [VIDEO]

You have to admit it. Cats have a pretty fine life. They get to sleep a lot, play when they can be bothered, get fed and, when they demand attention, they usually get it. Breton the cat has 10 tips for a good life. And, we all want a good life, right?

What would you do if money was no object? [VIDEO]

Last year, on a dive boat, I met an onion salesman. True story. He was a newly qualified diver, and about to embark on a massive, life changing path. And, it wasn't about the money he was going to make. It was about doing what he wanted to do.

Customer service is the new marketing

In a world where consumer and peer reviews are easily accessible via social media and the web, positive customer experiences become amplified and produce word-of-mouth referrals. On the flip side, negative customer experiences become amplified as well and can be kryptonite to even great companies.

Attention all entrepreneurs. Online retailer accounting just became a whole lot easier!

Xero's integration with AVS Networks online store platform allows them to use an Australian online store provider, paired with Xero, to conveniently and securely transfer their online store data to Xero's cloud-based software.

Apple an innovation icon? Of course. The ultimate role model? Maybe not

McKinsey’s central point is this: Apple is so unique – even among its technology peers – it is impossible, and, perhaps, foolish to try to emulate it in its entirety.

Could your website’s terms and conditions turn into your one way ticket to jail?

The ACCC’s one day crack down on website T&Cs should just be a reminder to business owners that not protecting themselves against legal liability could bring heavy fines. Is your website in the cross hairs?

Collabradabra – The magic of collaborating with staff

Yes, it's true, it only takes one budding entrepreneur with a brilliant idea to start a business, but from that point on, it takes a collaboration of staff to turn that business into a success. The only thing more powerful than champion employees, are champion employees that know how to collaborate and work together.

Are mobile websites really that important?

There's no question that mobile devices have become a staple in everyday living around the world. Now more than ever it's important that websites be optimized for mobile devices. But, do you really need a website specifically for mobile cusomers?
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Three easy wins when using LinkedIn with David Hobson [FREE REPORT]

"If you’re pressed for time, I'm here to help." In this report, David Hobson will show you three quick wins - things you can do to pimp out your LinkedIn profile in 15 minutes or less.


New Zealand’s Xero eyes US IPO, further disruption as subscribers increase...

Xero recently held its annual meeting in Wellington, during which the company revealed some interesting details about its future. As has been widely suspected, the...