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Steak knives don't come out for Young Entrepreneurship 'concept' event
Michael Fox of revealed his penchant for designing stilettos. Jeremy Levitt of PodProperty and Service Seeking proudly informed the crowd that he enjoys cold-calling. Kirsty Black of Halo Headphones explained why she turned down $500,000 and went sailing instead. Julie Sweet of Certificates Online shared inspiration from Buddha and explained what she'd do with five thousand.
Intelli Fence (SMART 100)
I realised I had to dig up my patio and garden just to install some simple lighting and an irrigation system. Instead, I attached the conduit for each service to my wooden fence and although it did the job, it didn't look good. I then thought what if the system was built into the fence in the first place? I set about designing how this could be achieved and in the process incorporated the use of recyclable materials as well as designing a unique "no bolts or screws" installation system, while making the system aesthetically attractive.
Research: You make better decisions using intuition (or sleeping)
The latest research published within the field of cognitive psychology has shown that criteria-based decision-making could actually lead to poorer decisions. In fact, you’re better off sleeping on it.
There’s a lot of iTalk going on, marketing survey says
Marketing survey puts emphasis on raising awareness of a product by word of mouth and says Apple got the most positive buzz among chit-chatting Australians.
Laptop battery-saving tips to keep you unleashed longer
Ah, beloved laptop. When it’s good, it’s great. But when you run into challenges – like a drained battery while you’re on the go – you realise who really holds all the power in the relationship. (See what we did there? Power. Clever, eh?)
30under30 – The winners (part 1)
Meet Australia's top 30 entrepreneurs under 30
* The following profiles are not ranked.
Costa Anastasiadis
Age: 29
Location: New South Wales
Company/Role: Crust Pizza
Do you need funding? Or advice? Or a TechCrunch announcement that you got funding?...
So, you're seeking growth capital? Well, whatever you do, try not to sound like these guys, from everyone's favourite satirical startup, Vooza.
How to get...
SMS payment for school canteen lunch orders now available via Easy Canteen
You might, from time to time, forget to give your kids money to pay for their lunch orders. Or perhaps your children have a habit of using the lunch money you give them to buy lollies instead of the alfalfa sandwiches for which it is intended. Either way, mHITs is hoping both parents and schools will sign up for Easy Canteen.
LightSpeed Terrain (SMART 100)
After re-working our older Avian terrain system we have come up with some new innovations to make it even better. The largest set of enhancements are in the reduction of the file size; we have cut our existing engine’s file size in half, making larger worlds for games more possible.
How to turn your knowledge into products [VIDEO COURSE]
Are you a business owner or does your business own you?
Think about it. Are you only as valuable as the number of hours you...
What’s the best kind of business? Repeat business! [How to keep customers, FREE REPORT]
Are customers important to your business? Of course! Do you collect and keep customer information? Maybe?
Messy customer data means lost opportunities. Smart organisations collect,...
SMART 100 (2009) profiles – 11-20
Anthill’s ‘SMART 100′ Index was developed in 2008 to identify and rank Australia’s 100 most innovative products, proving to be one of the largest surveys of its kind in Australia.
Here's a retail website that actually gets it right
From time to time a slick retail business's website grabs our attention. Take, the digital window to the real Red Shed Cafe located at Medhurst Wines in Victoria's Yarra Valley.
ParkYoung’s big graphic on the four models of communication
The chart is called the 'Four Models of Communication', devised to explain communication trends that have emerged largely as a result of new technology and social media. Firstly, it's worth magnifying and checking out in detail. Secondly, given Trevor Young's prescient understanding of new media, I'm hoping that it signals a return to the big graphic!
Can we send you business bestseller Made to Stick? [PROMOTION]
Why is this book upside-down? Because it turned our view on marketing on its head. We’re sending 10 copies of Dan and Heath Chip’s bestseller Made to Stick to the the next 10 readers to...
Winding down the 2011 celebrations (and planning for 2012)
As 2011 draws to a close, end of year festivities are coming into full swing and Australian businesses are celebrating a year of success. Despite the current economic conditions, Australian businesses have performed well overall in 2011, with the economy growing 1.8 per cent despite natural disasters such as the Queensland floods. Meanwhile, the OECD is also predicting strong relative growth for our economy through 2012 and 2013.
10 Honourable Mentions from the 30under30 Awards 2010
They narrowly missed out on a place in the Top 30 but are still hot in our books. Introducing Anthill’s 2010 30under30 Honourable Mentions.
How to find, sign and profit from strategic alliances [VIDEO COURSE]
Want to reach new markets, set up new distribution channels, piggy-back profile, earn endorsements, gain credibility, plus more?
During this 90 minute webinar, strategic alliance...
Young Entrepreneurs’ Night Out. It’s baaaaaack! (But slightly different.)
Two months ago, we trialled an event in Sydney called our Young Entrepreneurs' Night Out. The premise was simple; Create a networking event for young entrepreneurs to mingle, learn from peers, drink some booze, make new friends and get inspired. It’s baaaaaack! (But slightly different.)
The hunt for our next cover goes global
As part of our ongoing Magazine 2.0 Experiment, we asked readers to suggest ideas for our cover. We were so impressed by your ideas...