Audience & Readership
- Reach – Audited & Transparent
- Community – Passionate & Proactive
- Readership – Targeted & Influential
- Strategy – Tailored & Multi-Channel
Reach – Audited & Transparent
It’s important to us that we benchmark our success under the watchful gaze of independent, third-party auditing agencies. Here’s how two of Australia’s leading web-monitoring services rank Anthill. Are your other advertising channels audited?
Top 50 Business & Finance Website in Australia (Nielsen)
On 1 August 2009, was added to the Nielsen Online ratings system and identified as one of its Top 50 Business and Finance Sites in Australia.
Ranked alongside the ASX, ComSec and other members of the top 50 most popular business and finance websites in Australia, Nielsen measures Anthill’s success by average number of daily Australian visitors (UBs).
Top 20 B2B Media Website in Australia (Audit Bureaux of Australia)
In September 2009, was also included in the Audit Bureaux of Australia‘s Digital Audit data, debuting at number 16, again ranked according to average number of daily Australian visitors (UBs).
In November 2009 and again in March 2010, Anthill was also identified as having the most ‘engaged’ audience among the B2B websites audited by the ABA.
This means that Anthill website visitors spent more time on the Anthill site on average than visitors of competitive websites. Ranking and engagement together demonstrate the strength of an online community.
Get our readership data from Google Ad Planner
Google’s Ad Planner scrapes Anthill traffic data to provide an independent, third-party source of Anthill’s online readership, providing important data, such as Unique Visitors and Page Views:
Click to see Anthill’s Traffic Data on Ad Planner.
In other words, we take accountability and transparency very seriously. Recently we demonstrated to our readers how many media organisations inflate their Page Impressions.
See: Tactics used to hoodwink advertisers.
Community – Passionate & Proactive
There are media outlets. And there are communities. Anthill is the latter. Sure, we provide tips, tools, news and advice. But will also empower our readers to contribute and take part in the conversation. Do you want passive or proactive people reading your advertising messages?
A ‘lightning rod’ for innovators…
Anthill is widely recognised as a ‘lightning rod’ for innovative and entrepreneurial business owners. What does this mean? Quite simply, Anthill provides a unique perspective that is far removed from the traditional ‘gray and lifeless’ personality of traditional business news outlets. And, in doing so, it attracts an audience that is educated, ambitious, discerning and affluent. (We call these people ‘Renaissance Men and Women‘, which is far more compelling than calling them polymathic.)
‘Community’ is not just another word at Anthill…
This approach has amassed a great sense of community among Anthill’s readership, evidenced by a vast network of reader-contributors and characterised by passionate and thoughtful blog discussions. For example, did you know that the average blog comment on the Anthill site is 128 words in length? Compare that to your average news site.
Shared passion and responsibility…
Anthill is built around a shared passion for Australia as an innovative, creative and entrepreneurial nation. Anthill readers feel a joint responsibility for promoting and fostering these traits Australia. Anthill readers are proactive. And they expect Anthill advertisers to be the same.
Readership – Targeted & Influential
The following demographic information is the result of Anthill’s 2009 Readership Survey conducted in November 2009. It features information about Anthill readers and the types of businesses they represent. Further information, such as behavourial information is available on request.
Business Owners & Industry leaders…
Anthill readers come from the elusive yet highly desirable audience demographic often called the ‘C-Suite’. This is because they are CEOs, CFOs, COOs and/or own their own companies.
Educated & Affluent…
While education is rarely a precursor to entrepreneurial success, a thirst for knowledge is clearly a requisite for success. Anthill readers are both educated and affluent.
Fast growth companies…
Anthill readers often define their organisations as ‘white-collar-SMEs’. What does this mean? It refers to a growing, knowledge based enterprise, that is scaleable. Anthill is not read by ‘fish & chip’ shop owners. It attracts ambitious organisations with international growth potential.
Other demographics…
Strategy – Tailored & Multi-Channel
Anthill is one of few media outlets able to offer tailored advertising packages. If you would like to explore personalised strategy to reflect your goals, follow the appropriate link:
- Small Business Owners
- Medium to Large Business Marketing Managers
- Event Planners & Conference Organisers
- Media Buyers
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